Nick’s Blog



Is bloody hard. Or at least it can be for scatterbrained author. It's not that  we intend to, say, not post weekly bits of fluff and nonsense to engage an audience for a nascent author webpage. Its just that life gets in the way. So! We have the power of...

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Con Cravings

Con Cravings

The 2018 Sinister Creature Con was absolutely fantastic. Such amazing talent out there and so many terrific people stopping by the booth! My only regrets are: 1) MY EMAILS FROM T HE SIGNED BOOK YIELDED NO REPLIES! Sorry good folks, I really did intend to email you all...

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Brand new star and we are all raring to go! And sometimes that planned jump off the starting line is a bit of a stumble. But, like a cat, we can flip over and pretend like we meant to do that. 😀 Don’t stop doing what you do. Whatever goals you have, chase up. Whine,...

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