This is Nick:

aka Me!

This is Nick – aka Me!

A storyteller since a young age, Nick has never missed a chance to regale an audience with a tall tale. Nick has been a docent blacksmith, given History tours as the irascible Seamas O’Toole, and pontificated at length on sci-fi, fantasy, and any other geekdoms that caught his fancy. Now he turns his attention to the written word, with as The Butcher’s Tale and Primal Real Estate, as his first offerings.

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Come by for the latest mad ramblings, fun

stories, and snippets of almost-wisdom.

Nick’s Novels

The Butcher’s Tale

Johnny C. Vid is a man at the end of his rope, a burnout running from the horrors of his past in the shadow of gleaming high-rises and neon signs in the spraw of the Heap. A false-life junkie, Johnny scrounges for shards of memories, living stolen snippets of other people’s lives through Vicarious Reality to avoid facing his past. As Johnny chases his next fix, he crosses paths with a nightmare creature of blood, gristle, and crimson iron.

Primal Real Estate

There are things that go bump in the night and sometimes they need legal counsel. Jon Doe, newly minted Harvard Graduate, learns that some things are too good to be true when he accepts a job offer only to get roped into a shadow war between the Senate and the Court of Raptors, two rival camps of shapeshifting monsters. They’ve been going at it tooth and claw for centuries and Jon is the latest pawn in their game.




also news & events & blogs



Is bloody hard. Or at least it can be for scatterbrained author. It's not that  we intend to, say, not post weekly bits of fluff and nonsense to engage an audience for a nascent author webpage. Its just that life gets in the way. So! We have the power of...

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Con Cravings

Con Cravings

The 2018 Sinister Creature Con was absolutely fantastic. Such amazing talent out there and so many terrific people stopping by the booth! My only regrets are: 1) MY EMAILS FROM T HE SIGNED BOOK YIELDED NO REPLIES! Sorry good folks, I really did intend to email you all...

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Brand new star and we are all raring to go! And sometimes that planned jump off the starting line is a bit of a stumble. But, like a cat, we can flip over and pretend like we meant to do that. 😀 Don’t stop doing what you do. Whatever goals you have, chase up. Whine,...

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Come by for the latest mad ramblings, fun stories, and snippets of almost-wisdom.

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